A world full of threads, but bereft of weavers....

This is Nadir.


Medieval Fantasy | 18+ | Story-Driven
Inspirations: D&D 5e, The Arcana

Long before you were born, the Major Arcana roamed these lands and others, freely traversing the planes. It was a time of untapped potential, of freedom and peace.Until the War of the Arcane. The delicate balance between the planes was upset, and in its aftermath, the Arcane Gate was erected, preventing the Arcana from further interplanar travel.
Now, a tenuous peace lingers in Nadir. But nothing lasts forever.
Over the course of the past year, mysterious and often dangerous events have been causing havoc across Nadir, and the Order of the Pale Wolf, this world's most stalwart defense against the supernatural, has had growing difficulty keeping up with the increasing need for heroes.Because of this, Nadir's various government leaders have seen fit not just to fill the Order's coffers, but to make an additional offer besides: for one year of service to Nadir, overseen by the Order of the Pale Wolf, any Arcana-Chosen shall be granted either a small fortune, amnesty for any crime short of treason, a position of modest power, or any reward of similar value.

Convergence is a medieval fantasy RP group dedicated to an ongoing campaign featuring action, mystery, magic, and environmental change. Players will solve and set right a grand catastrophe on an interplanar scale.You play as an Arcane Chosen, blessed by one of the 22 Major Arcana. Your character lives on Nadir, home of mortals and favored playground of the Arcana.

A world steeped in magic, and rich in history.



Long ago, the Arcana paid little mind to Nadir. With no intelligent life to speak of, the plane largely went ignored. But then, a most fascinating development occurred: the undeveloped minds of mankind gradually became capable of intelligent communication! This caused the Arcana to take great interest in the lives of mortals: visiting them, granting them greater form and ability. When their immortal subjects took interest in these creations, they often resulted in half-breeds.Civilization grew on Nadir with incredible speed. Let it not be said mortals are slow; in fact, it is almost as though they make up for their short lives with an overabundance of ambition! This ambition led to the development of tribes, then villages, then cities, and even kingdoms.
This rapid development, however, came to a grinding halt when the Devil attempted to strike down the Magician in an effort to gain control of the threads of magic. In a near-instant, the Arcana went to war, with Nadir caught in the middle. Some claimed territory, some argued for freedom, but all had a hand in dealing catastrophic damage to the land.
When the Devil finally killed the Magician, the tapestry that comprised all of magic itself was torn, and all spellcraft short of the divine ceased to be. All fingers pointed at the Devil, and as a result, He was made to swear an oath to remain in His realm for eternity. The rest of the Arcana similarly agreed to remain in their own planes, and to ensure the keeping of this pact, the Arcane Gate was erected: an interplanar fence, of sorts, with openings between its planks too small for beings with a presence as power as an Arcana to slip through.Three centuries have passed since. Magic has returned with a new Magician weaving the threads of the arcane. Although no Major Arcana may pass through the Arcane Gate, they endlessly meddle with mortal affairs to this day, sending their servants, their avatars, and even motes of their power to Nadir.


Magic takes many forms. It can be cast through a spellbook, exist in a creature's very being, or be drawn from the earth, air, or water.Notably, the existence of magic is dependent upon the continued wellbeing of the Magician, and vice versa. Without one, the other cannot exist. When the Magician was struck down during the War of the Arcane, magic became almost entirely unusable for a century while a new Magician was created. Although certain creatures capable of producing their own magic remained able to use it(the Arcana themselves, for example), the threads of the arcane tapestry came apart to such an extent that those without the innate ability could not use magic whatsoever.

The Arcana and Religion

The Arcana are, in a word, gods. Each Major Arcana is capable of incredible power, though some use theirs to more benevolent ends than others.Each Major Arcana resides within its own realm, which it has nearly absolute control over. To intentionally offend an Arcana in its own plane is a sure way to die.Worship of Major Arcana is, depending on where one is from, generally seen as banal, of the utmost importance to one's spiritual health, or downright strange. Major Arcana do not require worship to exist; rather, they thrive off the continued existence of their karmic influences and archetypal themes. For example, so long as there exists even one free spirit in any plane at all, the Fool will continue to live.The Minor Arcana are somewhat different. They are often seen as messengers between the Major Arcana, or even minor gods, guiding mortals in their every day life, rather than the "bigger picture" often attributed to the Major Arcana.

A world filled with fascinating people, and terrifying creatures.



Inspirations: Western, Central, Eastern European

A vibrant country of multiple biomes, full of zealous and lively people, Irial was nearly destroyed in the War of the Arcane, but has made a shockingly impressive recovery. All kinds of people come from and are welcome to Irial; its mountain ranges, rolling plains, dense forests, winding rivers, and blazing deserts accept any and all willing to make the trek, much like its citizens.Ruled by a parliament constructed after the War and comprised of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, with the Archbishop of the Church of the Hierophant breaking ties, many see Irial as a Commonwealth with wealth for the common. Others see it as clinging too heavily to religious zealotry.Irial's military is formed of volunteers paid by taxes and led by the Archbishop's right hand, the Knight Commander of the Golden Sun. The Parliament, the Golden Sun, the Golden Dawn, and the Pale Wolves are all headquartered in the capital city of Somnium.Arcana-Chosen are adored in Irial, as the Order of the Pale Wolf is almost entirely comprised of them.

The Order of the Pale Wolf

Led by a Moon Arcana-Chosen, the Order is Nadir's oldest and, some might say, greatest organization of monster hunters. Given monsters are a plague across all of Nadir, all the world's leaders agree to dedicate taxes toward this neutral order of monster slayers, though some assert that its headquarters being located in Irial means it cannot be neutral.

The Knight's Order of the Golden Sun

Surprisingly enough, the Knight Commander of the Order of the Golden Sun is not an Arcana-Chosen, but an ordinary mortal. The daughter of the previous Knight Commander was chosen to lead the Order when he retired, and as a result, she struggles to fill his shoes. However, Irial's military has yet to have any serious disasters since she stepped into the role ten years ago.The Order of the Golden Sun is comprised of about one thousand knights chosen by the Knight Commander and knighted by the Archbishop, and below them, far more footsoldiers.A subsect of the Golden Sun, known as the Golden Dawn, provides humanitarian aid to those of need residing in Irial.

Al Ruwa

Inspirations: Arabic, African

Al Ruwa is a hot, dry country with a lack of organic natural resources, and as a result, made its fortune in trade. Al Ruwa's diamond, platinum, and gold mines decorate the necks and hands of Nadir's richest denizens - and other planes, as well, given a high enough quality. In a twist of good fortune, this lack of verdant pastures and dense forests made Al Ruwa unattractive to interlopers during the War of the Arcane, and as a result, the sultanate fared better than most.Ruled by an eccentric sultan at the heart of the Magnificent Tower of Treasures, Al Ruwa is often seen as a place where one can go to seek their fortune.Al Ruwa's military is natural-born and non-conscripted, according to government figures, but any resident will tell you the truth: the military is inflated by soldiers of fortune and criminals seeking to work off their sentences through military service.Arcana-Chosen are viewed as treasures in Al Ruwa, though this can largely depend on their specific hometown.

The Magnificent Tower of Treasures

A fond nickname for the capital of Al Sihi, the Tower of Treasures is a city which reaches upward into the sky. This vertical city is surrounded on all sides by sheer cliff, and is accessible only by airship or its singular, massive bridge, the Steps of Gold.


Inspirations: Greco-Roman

A temperate kingdom of varying climates, yet mostly comprised of forests, woodlands, and plains, many consider Orthros to be a farmer's paradise. Many will tell you Orthros is as two-headed as the beast its name comes from: both the fiercest military warriors, and the most peaceful ranchers Nadir has to offer come from its verdant pastures.Orthros is ruled by hereditary monarchy, and its military is second to none. The Imperator leads the country's governance and military both. Several times in history it has clashed with Kiitori, but due to the lack of a suitable navy on either side and the sea between them, neither has ever conquered the other. Currently, a tenuous peace stands between the two.Citizens born of Orthros are legally required to serve in its military for a minimum of two years. Evasion of this service is punishable by law, though military service need not require actively fighting enemy combatants. Many have had quite peaceful years in the military, thanks to excellent skills in research and development or healing arts.Honor is prized as much as gold here; to shame one's family is seen as a grave misdeed. For most, their time in the military is viewed as an opportunity to be lauded and hailed as a hero.To be born an Arcana-Chosen in Orthros is to be seen as a potential asset to the military, in most cases.


Inspirations: Southeast Asian, East Asian, Pacific Islanders

A temperate empire of many biomes, Kiitori stood alongside Orthros as the most steadfast military force in the War of the Arcane. Much like Irial, but with hotter summers and milder winters, Kiitori's mountain ranges, crystal lakes, and emerald forests must be seen to be believed - or, at least, that's what the people will tell you.
The secretive emperor of Kiitori has not been seen in years, and it would appear that the people of this proud nation wish to keep it this way. The emperor rules from the shadows, their cabal of advisors and ministers informing each and every decision and policy they make. The emperor never leaves their palace, let alone the capital city of Hansaki, their decisions carried out by missives and spoken by town criers.
Kiitori's military is voluntary, but the kingdom has yet to have a shortage of volunteers since the War of the Arcane. This is almost entirely due to the generous pay they receive and the adoration lavished upon the military by the public; to the citizenry of Kiitori, the military is the last bastion keeping Orthros at bay.Societal structures are rigid in this kingdom, with hereditary titles, difficulty climbing the social ladder, and judgment cast upon those who step outside the norm. If one should leave the cities, however, and travel to more rural areas, these societal bindings loosen significantly.Generally, Arcana-Chosen born here are adored and celebrated.

Asahi's Dawntails

Nestled at the base of the Mountain Kotoro and surrounded by forest, hidden from view except by flight, sits a bustling, colorful village of kitsune. Known as Asahi, this village is inhabited by crafters, farmers, ranchers, and perhaps most importantly, hunters.The inner temple of Asahi houses a myriad of magical artifacts and magic items with strength-enhancing capabilities. This power causes many monsters to come seeking Asahi with the intention of taking said artifacts and growing in strength, size, and magical abilities. For this reason, a cabal of hunters protects the town.Known as the Dawntails, these hunters traverse the forests outside Asahi to meet the monsters that seek its artifacts. Monsters hunted by the Dawntails are stripped of their claws, their teeth, their fur and their plates - anything and everything that can be used against the next monster that comes.Aside from monster hunting, Asahi is surprisingly well-known in spite of its lack of visibility for its trade goods, its musicians, and its artists. Many have come to visit just for the food and the onsen, though it is highly recommended that travelers wait outside the forest for an escort into the village, lest they run the risk of being attacked by beasts.


Inspirations: Central American

A warm country of plentiful resources. Razuela is seen by many as a "friendly" country: a vacation destination, a place of celebration, of good music and good food. Of course, there is so much more to it than simply being a good time; Razuela is as rich in history as any other country, and according to Razuelans, far richer in culture. Just ask the bards of the Musician's Academy.Although vast desert occupies approximately thirty percent of Razuela's landmass, much of the country is comparably wet. Subtropical and tropical rainforests cover enough of Razuela that its main export is wood, though the loggers who delve into such forests must risk the possibility of beasts lurking in the hot and murky woods. Because of the natural dangers of the rainforest, however, Razuelans are often said to make the best monster hunters.Razuela has no active military, but when called to action, the country's many skilled monster hunters are quick to answer. These hunters are not disorganized soldiers of fortune - rather, they are strikingly well-coordinated men and women who, in the face of an unwelcoming land, band together better than many trained militants. In fact, even fierce warriors from Kiitori and Orthros have often spoken of Razuelan monster hunters with respect.An Arcana-Chosen born in Razuela is often seen as destined to be a great hunter or bard, and is therefore often loved and lauded.

Musician's Academy

The world's largest school dedicated to the study of the musical arts, Razuela's Musician's Academy rests in the beautiful city of Rina de Son, where both mundane and magical song and dance are given form and function. The headmaster, a non-Arcana Chosen, is beloved by her students and professors alike. To apply, one must have the coin, as well as a song, dance, or other artistic creation to present to the board. There are, however, some scholarships available for the truly gifted.


Inspirations: Indigenous North American

A cold, largely inhospitable country of snow and glaciers. Its chill temperatures and great plains made it unsuitable for domination, and thus it fared better than others during the War. For the most part, only beasts and monsters live in its icy deserts on the northern coast.Quamanik has no rigid structure of government. Instead, each town within the country is governed by a leader elected locally, such as mayors and village chiefs. Even Its largest city, Sildir, is ruled by the wealthiest merchants more than any elected figure. As a result, money truly makes the world go round in Quamanik, and you can get almost anything your heart desires, if you have the coin.Perhaps unsurprisingly, due to its small population and inhospitable climate, Quamanik has no military, as there aren't enough people to compose it and there isn't anybody who wants the place. No sane government has any desire for its endless glaciers and ice fields. Like Razuela, any military Quamanik should ever have need of could easily and quickly be gathered, thanks to the many skilled hunters of the tundra.Generally, there is a mixed view of Arcana-Chosen born here. Some may take on the will of their patron, which can be harmful to the Trading Company's bottom line. Some may be an asset to the company. Some may remain in their villages and tribes, cherished and adored by their neighbors.


Sildir was once a great acropolis, held aloft by mere magic. The source of this magic, known as the Conduit, was a closely guarded secret, its construction and upkeep known only to high-ranking officials of the city. This immense city was a bastion of trade and magical skill, with the most diverse market and the largest university of magic on all the continents.Due to its unique position above much of the fighting during the War of the Arcane, it escaped largely unscathed until the very end of the war, when the Magician was struck down. The resulting disruption of the Weave and utter absence of magic caused Sildir to plummet from the sky, and without any of its safeguards functioning due to said disruption, nothing could stop its catastrophic descent. The massive acropolis collided with the Ituk Glacier, killing nearly the entire population.Fascinatingly, the structure of the ice and the remarkably solid engineering of Sildir caused much of the infrastructure to remain intact. Partially entombed in ice and therefore sheltered from frigid winds and snow, the city has, in the last century, gone from a ghost town to a bustling little center of trading and hunting. Travelers making their way through Quamanik almost always stop in Sildir to resupply, and many Quamaniki souvenirs can be purchased while experiencing the strange, macabre sort of charm found in the newly-inhabited homes.

Tome's Hold

The world’s largest library is a partially underground building carved out of solid stone. Erected one thousand years ago, Tome’s Hold was once a grand keep standing tall above the ground. During the War of the Arcane, however, it was nearly destroyed, causing an absolutely tragic loss of knowledge. Sympathetic to his mourning followers, the Hierophant proceeded to carve out the bedrock beneath the earth, crafting a far more structurally sound “second edition” of Tome’s Hold, one might say.The Tomekeepers of Tome’s Hold, as they are called, are a strict bunch, allowing absolutely nothing to be removed from the library. However, access to the hold is as simple as bringing a piece of literature not already housed within its walls, and the Tomekeepers are not stingy when it comes to what is considered ‘literature.’ An old friend of mine was able to enter just a dozen years ago with his great grandmother’s recipe for marmalade. Not only that, but once you have entered a first time and given them your name, you will be allowed entrance again, provided you treat the books with respect and care.

Xisiji ( 西司极 )

Inspirations: Mainland Asia

A war-torn country that truly shows the strength of mortals, Xisiji is a story of coming back from the brink. Nearly completely obliterated during the War of the Arcane, the people of Xisiji have made great strides in rebuilding civilization and preserving history.Seen by many as a kingdom of scholars, Xisiji is often called Nadir's "Pearl of Knowledge," due to housing the Arcane College. The College trains wizards, sorcerers, and any other kind of mage one can think of, so long as their magic is ethical - or their pockets deep enough.The Council of the Arcane rules Xisiji from the capital of Zhou Hai ( 舟海 ), and each member of the council is an Arcana-Chosen - most commonly the Empress, Emperor, High Priestess, or Justice. By having multiple people blessed by the Arcana on the council, the governing body is seen as balanced by the divine.Unlike most countries, Xisiji's military is comprised almost entirely of those skilled in the arcane arts. This, of course, results in a small fighting force, but as those of Xisiji say, "You don't need ten men, you just need one fireball."Arcana-Chosen tend to be born with magical talent; therefore, they are most often celebrated at birth.

The Arcane College

Led by a Magician Arcane, the Arcane College accepts those who seek to study magic from all over the world. Similar to the Order of the Pale Wolf, the entire world pays toward upkeep of teleportation circles created and managed by the College. These circles are located in every major city, and even some minor ones. All schools of magic are practiced here, but "unethical necromancy" is expressly forbidden. That said, some have been known to teach it for the right price.For those without the funds, the kingdom of Xisiji offers scholarships in return for five years of military service.

Other Notable Locations and Organizations

Seekers of the Convergence

Largely written off as a cult, the Seekers are a mysterious religious organization devoted to the idea of converging the planes. These shadowed figures demand a "Return to One," claiming this to be the natural state of the planes. Their clandestine meetings are shrouded in shadow, and if anyone knows where they meet, they have yet to tell the relevant authorities.

The Floating City

A massive, man-made island comprised entirely of rafts, and occupied almost solely by traders. Outside laws do not carry weight on the City, much to the chagrin of various authorities, but ware to anyone who intends to use the City as asylum: traders here value coin above all, and if yours is worth less than your bounty, you can expect to be hand-delivered to whomever put it on your head. The Floating City tends to move with the currents, never staying at one port for long.

The City of Flowers, Anatoli

An interesting case of cultures melding, Anatoli is a city located in Kiitori, despite its name. And in spite of Kiitori's rigid governmental structures, the City of Flowers has maintained independence and neutrality due to a centuries-old-loophole: before the War of the Arcane, Anatoli was a city of worship, with an immense temple dedicated to the Major Arcana at its center, and shrines around it dedicated to the Minor Arcana. People from all over the world came to the City of Flowers to profess their undying devotion to the Arcana. After the War, however, the people of Anatoli became disillusioned. Over time, worship of the Arcana ceased, and rather than worshiping the divine, the people of Anatoli began to worship mortal life itself. After all, who would love them more than themselves?Nowadays, Anatoli is a hub of gambling, debauchery, and merrymaking.

A world full of fascinating people, brimming with life.

Character Creation

In Convergence, you play as a mortal creature born on and inhabiting Nadir, the plane of mortals. You're not just any ordinary mortal, however: you are an "Arcana-Chosen," meaning you have received the favor of one of the Major Arcana themselves. How this manifests varies from person to person: some are blessed with supernatural charisma, an affinity for magic, or enhanced martial abilities. However your blessing manifests itself, it is made apparent by a symbol somewhere on your person. It could be on your eye, your tongue, your ribcage, your hip - anywhere.Depending on where your character was born and their Major Arcana, they may have been celebrated, reviled, or treated like any other person. It's up to you!Creating your own landmarks, NPCs, businesses, and involving your character with Canon NPCs, cities, and organizations is not just allowed, but highly encouraged! The better integrated your character is with the world of Nadir, the easier it is to include you in the story.

Written Application

While quality of writing is important, it's not the only thing I'll be looking for. Activity, good vibes, and a character that will fit the campaign are all extremely valued.Your character must be joining the Order of the Pale Wolf. No exceptions. They do not have to be a combatant, however! The Order is accepting tacticians, investigators, and even people with alternative skills, like excellent chefs and hunter-gatherers! Feel free to get creative!

Pronouns: Any! This is not medieval Europe; your character is free to be whoever they are.
Arcana: The Major Arcana your character has been chosen by! Pick three Major Arcana that you feel best suit your character. Upon acceptance, these will be sorted out and your character's single Major Arcana will be cemented.
Additionally, each Arcana-Chosen has a symbol of their Arcana somewhere on their body, making them recognizable as a Chosen. You do NOT need to draw this during character creation, considering the above rule. This mark appears anywhere on the body at random.
Race: You can make your character just about any fantasy race as long as they are mortal and less than three hundred years old. If you're unsure if your race fits, ask a mod!
A few notes: Angels, devils, demons, and fey are not allowed, but half-breeds of all of the above are! As for why one would have a child with a mortal, please discuss that with a mod! I'll be happy to help.Personality:
History: Give some insight into your character's life! One good route to take is detailing how your character's Arcana has affected their life.
Your character is allowed to have previous adventuring experience, but remember they're only a little stronger than the average person.
Be sure to include why your character is joining the Order of the Pale Wolf!
Country of Origin: This does not have to be where your character is currently living, I just need to know where they were born! The Floating City is an option!
Job: What your character did for a living before joining the Order of the Pale Wolf!
Stats: (STR, DEX, INT, HP) See the Mechanics page for details!
Combat Stats: (Health Points, Armor Class, Damage Reduction, Attack Bonus, Damage Dealt) See the Combat page for details!
Physical Feat/Magical Abilities:

Visual Application

At minimum, a fullbody sketch with color is required. This artwork does not need to be done by you, but it does need to be yours! Commissions and gifts are fine. Tracing another artists' work is not.Keep in mind the setting while designing your character: Convergence is a medieval fantasy group. That means no t-shirts, hoodies, cyberpunk, or steampunk. That said, I'm not here to stifle creativity, and Nadir is not Earth. Women do not need to cover up from neck to toe, and men will not be mocked for dressing in feminine clothing. Women can enter the military and wear armor, and nonbinary people will not be punished for dressing as a gender different than that assigned to them at birth.

Link to visual application!

Visual application created by ・きっち・

Optional Further Reading and FAQ

"Can my character die?"Yes, but it's very unlikely to happen without your consent! I want to have stakes in this story, but I don't want you to feel like you're constantly at risk of losing your character.
Generally, monsters will not continue to attack your oc while they're down.
Your character won't be at risk of instantly dying just because they rolled poorly while climbing a building during a mission rp.
HOWEVER, there ARE some things that WILL get your character killed, for the sake of verisimilitude, for example:
Committing a murder of a civilian in front of a high-ranking member of the Order of the Pale Wolves
Ignoring extremely obvious clues that indicate extreme danger and jumping in headfirst.
Generally, if something will get your oc killed, I will tell you ooc. I'm not here to tell a story about how a bunch of heroes died.

"Are there evil and good races in Convergence?"For the sake of simplicity, yes! As a writer, I do understand that "all orcs are evil" is a nasty and problematic trope. For that reason, sentient and sapient mortal races are not born evil or good. Whether a human, an orc, an elf, a half-demon, or a half-angel is good, evil, or neutral depends on their nature, their upbringing, and their culture. (And whatever else would naturally affect their alignment!)HOWEVER, when it comes to immortal creatures from other planes and monsters, that is a different story! Bulettes will always hunt farmers' livestock, devils rise from the fires of the Devil's realm with a desire to corrupt mortals toward addiction and dark thoughts, and Beholders will try to turn anybody who enters their lair into a pile of dust or a stone statue, while angels rise from motes of sunlight in The Sun's realm to give mortals good luck and heal chronic disease. (That said, a devil can learn to care, and an angel can fall.)Please, for the sake of my sanity, be prepared to go into a world where some creatures are just born evil and good. If you make a character who tries to give every single monster they encounter a stern talking to and a hug I'll lose my mind.

"Does my character have to be flesh and blood/is there any way my character could have lived before the War of the Arcane? It's important to my backstory/character concept!"If you have an idea for a character that you just can't get out of your head that doesn't quite fit within the guidelines, feel free to open a ticket in the Discord and we can discuss! Characters born from wishes or created artificially, or characters who have died and been brought back without their memories from before the war are all examples of possible origins."What kind of monsters exist in Convergence?"If you can find it in one of the 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons books, there's a good possibility it exists somewhere in one of the planes.

"How many members will you be accepting?"To make sure I can pay attention to every character and integrate them all into the story, I plan on accepting around 30 people.
At the absolute most, I may accept 40.
"How many characters can we create?"You start with one! However, you'll be able to buy additional character slots with EXP earned from art, writing, RP logs, and participating in events!

A world full of adventure, waiting to be explored.


The mechanics of Convergence are meant to be extremely simple!When asked to make a skill check, you will roll a d20. Your goal is to roll equal to or higher than the difficulty class. Your character's ability is added to the total you roll.For example, Bee rolls to outrun a monster. The monster is very fast, but Bee has a 5 in dexterity! She rolls a 10 against the DC of 14, and with her +5 to dexterity, she has a total of 15. Bee succeeds!KEEP IN MIND: Your ability scores DO NOT need to perfectly align with your character's personality and build!
Having a low intelligence ability score does not mean your character must be stupid! It just means your character won't be good at these skill checks.
Your character starts at Level 1. Leveling up is first unlocked by participating in events and advancing the story, and achieved by spending experience points.You start with 18 points, each ability score has a max of 5. Start from 0 in each stat. You MUST have at least a 1 in each stat. Some ability scores cost more due to having wider ranges of use.1 is pathetic
3 is average
5 is peak condition
Strength - Brute strength. Ability to use armor and damage reduction.
A character with no strength is easily knocked out by harsh blows, and cannot carry out difficult physical tasks!
Dexterity - Agility. Weapon skills. Weapon damage. Crafting skills. Speed. (Costs double)
A character with no dexterity cannot wield a weapon, work well with their hands, or run quickly!
A character must have at least 2 dexterity to use simple weapons like clubs, daggers, shortbows, quarterstaves, handaxes, and spears, and at least 3 dexterity to use martial weapons like swords, greataxes, lances, and whips. The latter deal more damage, but are more difficult to use.
Intelligence - Creativity. Perception. Intuition. Memory. Reason. (Costs double)
A character with no intelligence lacks booksmarts, streetsmarts, and lacks charisma!
Vitality - Health. When you reach 0 health, you're knocked out. Health = Vitality x 20!
A character with little Vitality can't take a single hit!
Finally, a character is granted either two magical abilities, or three additional stat points and two Physical Feats.You can make your own copy of our Stat Calculator to help you choose the correct distribution of stat points.

Link to Stat Calculator!

Physical Feats

Players who choose not to create a magically-inclined character can choose a physical feat instead - an act of martial prowess capable of leaving most foes in awe.Physical Feats have a wide range of effects. They can be Active or Passive, and their uses are unlimited unless otherwise stated in their description. You can come up with your own, but I have a lot of examples of Physical Feats, as well. See the link below for examples! I'll also work with you if you want to make your own.Characters who start with 21 stat points and 2 Physical Feats cannot learn 1st Level Magical Abilities until they reach Level 2.

Example Physical Feats


Study of the arcane is separate from other stats. Magic is powerful, but time consuming, and one cannot be a master of the arcane and the mundane from the beginning.A character is granted two spell abilities when they choose to study the arcane. Feel free to get creative with this! Just like physical feats, I will work with you on these.Each magical ability grants one "function," so to speak. For example, "Fireball: Deals damage to multiple enemies" and "Heat Metal: Raises the internal temperature of an object to dangerous levels," while both pyromancy, would be two different magical abilities.Using magic costs Magic Points equal to the level of the ability. Characters start with 10 MP, which means magic can be used ten times per day at First Level. Upon each level up, 3 more are gained. Additional MP can be purchased from the Shop!In addition, a character who starts with magic is granted one cantrip. This is a damaging ability with unlimited uses meant to enable low STR, low DEX characters to deal some damage if alone, out of magic, or with no damage-dealing magical abilities.Cantrips deal elemental damage of your choosing and have a bonus to hit equal to your character's INT stat. All cantrips deal damage equal to your character's INT score times 4.Characters who start with 18 Stat Points and 2 Magical Abilities cannot learn 1st Level Physical Feats until they reach Level 2.

Example Magical Abilities

Example Characters

The Athlete
STR - 4
DEX - 4
INT - 3
VIT - 3
The Speedster
STR - 1
DEX - 5
INT - 3
VIT - 4
The Mage
STR - 1
DEX - 3
INT - 4
VIT - 3
18 total points to have average stats in everything.


Every character has five (5) relevant statistics in combat.Hit Points (HP)
Armor Class (AC)
Damage Reduction (DR)
Attack Bonus (AB)
Damage Dealt (DD)
Next, I'll explain how each one is calculated, and what they do.HIT POINTS
You probably already know, but HP equals your Vitality stat times 20.
Your AC is how hard it is to hit you. It starts at 10, and can go up based on ARMOR and DEXTERITY. (Skills at higher levels can increase these bonuses or grant new ones!)
DEX Bonus to Armor is half your DEX, rounded down (to a minimum of 1)!

Armor proficiency grants the following bonuses to Armor Class:
Light: +1
Medium: +2
Heavy: +3

Armor Requirements
2 STR to wear Light Armor
3 STR to wear Medium Armor
4 STR to wear Heavy Armor

Damage Reduction is equal to your STR. Every time your character takes damage, subtract your STR from the total damage. Easy!
Your Attack Bonus is half your dexterity, rounded down (to a minimum of 1) + a bonus conferred by the type of weapon you're wielding.

Weapons grant the following bonuses to Attack Bonus:
Simple: +1
Martial: +2
(As an example, a character with 4 DEX and a Martial Weapon has a +4 Attack Bonus.)DAMAGE DEALT
Your Damage Dealt is equal to your DEX times 5.

Weapon Requirements
2 DEX to use Simple Weapons
3 DEX to use Martial Weapons


Armor Appearance: No, you do not need to draw your character in armor in order to receive the benefits of it. It's just for balance!Advantage/Disadvantage: Sometimes, your character will be in a particularly good or bad situation. For example, the enemy has been blinded temporarily. In this situation, you would roll twice, and take the higher roll!Intelligence in Battle: "My character has low strength AND dexterity. Are they just useless?" No, definitely not! Battles will not be the only part of Convergence that carry significant weight. Not only that, but during combat, your character can make intelligence checks to look for other ways to help. Examples include noticing an enemy's weakness that the combatants are too busy to notice, finding a weak link in a chain to bring a heavy chandelier down on a monster, aiding a civilian or fallen party member, looking out for incoming monsters or guards, or looking through a book on monsters to find what elemental weakness the boss monster currently being fought has.Magic in Combat: Magic confers special bonuses and abilities that are too varied to list on one page! For that reason, I ask that you please join the Discord and make a ticket to discuss any and all magical abilities (and physical feats, too!). We'll discuss what they do, how much damage they do (if at all), and anything else relevant.


In combat, the player's goal is generally to reduce the enemy's HP to 0 while keeping yours above 0.
To attack, a player will roll a d20 and add their Attack Bonus (AB) to the result. If the total is equal to or higher than the enemy's Armor Class (AC), the attack is successful.
Damage Dealt (DD) is not rolled; it is instead reduced by the targeted creature's Damage Reduction (DR).
When a player character is attacked, it's the same towards them: the enemy rolls a d20, adds their AB, and compares the total to the player character's AC. The player character takes the monster's DD if successfully hit, minus their DR.Magical Abilities and Physical Feats are different from normal attacks in a couple of ways:
Magical Abilities and (certain) Physical Feats can only be performed a limited amount of times each day.
Magical Abilities and Physical Feats automatically succeed unless otherwise stated in their description.
Magical Abilities generally do more damage than basic attacks.

A world full of things to buy!


Welcome to the shop! Here you can spend your EXP on Magical Abilities, Physical Feats, Additional Character Slots, Leveling Up, and more!

Earning XP

ArtBustWaist-UpMost of/Full Body
Lineart/Flat Colors246

1 EXP = 100 words

1.5x EXP Bonus for art of other members' characters!
1.1 EXP Bonus for Roleplay Logs!

Buying Magical Abilities and Physical Feats

Purchase1st Level2nd Level3rd Level
1st30 EXP40 EXP50 EXP
2nd30 EXP40 EXP50 EXP
3rd40 EXP50 EXP60 EXP
4th50 EXP60 EXP70 EXP

Each Magical Ability costs a number of Magic Points equal to its level to use.If your character started with 2 Magical Abilities, their first Physical Feat will cost 100 EXP, then follow the list, starting with the second purchase.If your character started with 2 Physical Feats, their first Magical Ability will cost 150 EXP, then follow the list, starting with the second purchase.

Leveling Up

Leveling Up requires both a Level Up purchase, as well as enough story progression. You'll know when you've made enough progress to level up; I will tell you!

Level UpCost
2nd Level200 EXP
3rd Level???
4th Level???

For every level gained, a player automatically gains 3 MP and may buy 10 additional MP for 150 EXP each.
A character also gets a +1 in any stat (regardless of cost) at levels 2 and 3, and a +2 in any stat at levels 4 and 5.

Purchasing Additional Characters

Additional Character SlotsPrice
Second Character80 EXP
Third Character150 EXP
Fourth Character225 EXP

Server Rules

Try to keep topics to their proper channels!Please speak English in the server. I cannot moderate what I cannot understand!Keep things in line with Discord ToS.

General Rules

Convergence is a roleplay group first and foremost: you do not have to be an artist to participate! However, you do need to have a piece of art in your visual application, so we know what your character looks like!That said, stealing is NOT OKAY. Tracing art, AI art, and claiming other people's work as your own will have you kicked from the group.Be somewhat active! I don't expect you to be here every single day, but the group cannot go on if its members do not participate.Be civil! I understand not everybody will always get along, but the least we can do is be polite to each other. If you have a disagreement that can't be solved in private, please bring it up with a mod.Applicants must be 20+ (or 20 within 6 months of 4/1/2024)! That said, NSFW content in SFW spaces is prohibited!Please refrain from godmodding. I understand wanting your character to be cool, but keep in mind that a lot of people want that! Everyone will have their chance to shine.